The Perfect Bag

I found it guys. The perfect bag. It goes with everything, is great for traveling and can hold everything your Mary Poppins heart desires. It also makes grocery shopping/hands free shopping a breeze.

Did I mention it's not $1000?! I have had my eye on a specific bag for a while now but it is around $1000 which is relatively $800 more than I was willing to spend or could spend lets be real here. My purse budget does not include anything over $150 these days guys. #keepinitreal.

So back to this perfect bag. I found it at Mark and Graham (on sale!!) So the bad news is: I did not foresee this selling out but it has, in this color. They have the white one on sale which I love as well but wouldn't be as practical, for me at least. Now for the good news: there is a new version which is just as amazing but a little pricier. I will link both below.


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