Easter Gender Reveal

Dress // Jcrew factory (old)

Surprise!!! We are having a boy!!
 We are so excited to finally put a gender to this baby and Easter seemed like the perfect day to announce it to you guys. We wanted to do a gender reveal party with family but with Corona our plans got smushed so this is what I came up with. Not quite as fun but at the end of the day it worked out just like it was supposed to. 

We are really looking forward to giving this baby a name and dreaming about who this little boy is going to be. I am so excited to share his nursery with you guys. It is almost done, minus a few details. Now that we have revealed his gender I will be sharing our registry soon. 

We had a super low key Easter this year spending time with one another and just hanging out. We had a couple of zoom calls with our families and made a delicious dinner. I made him put on some decent clothes for some pictures and then we went back to our sweats and t-shirts. It was perfect and the only thing that would have made it better is if we could have spent the day with our families. 


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