First Trimester Recap

We took this the night I told him I was pregnant. 

This is the way I wanted to tell him but I couldn't wait to get home after work and I ended up just telling him when I saw him after work. It was not nearly as cute but I couldn't wait any longer so I just showed him a picture of the pregnancy test on my phone right after we both got off work. We went out to dinner after and were both in a state of shock! 

***This is my real-in time recap of the first trimester, it is real and I was/am emotional and it shows, this was my personal experience and I know everyone is different but I hope this is helpful to someone else going through this.

December 18th 2019:

I took the test this morning. I am pregnant. I haven't even gotten to tell Adam yet. I don't think this calls for a phone call, "hey baby btw i'm pregnant see you tonight!" is appropriate. As soon as I took the test I just looked at it in shock and went back to bed. I know it sounds crazy but after trying for months with negative tests you just start assuming it will be negative. I just couldn't wrap my head around it actually being positive this time.

 I had been cramping for a few days pretty badly like you get right before your period but my period wasn't due for another week so the cramping was unexpectedly early. My period is always on time but I have had a lot going on so I just assumed it decided to come early this month. I figured it was worth taking a pregnancy test but I went in assuming it would be negative, boy was I wrong.

For the ladies out there who are in the dreaded 2 weeks of waiting after ovulating and you are looking for any sign you could be pregnant here are my early pregnancy symptoms for you.

I pay really close attention to my body and know it pretty well so any change in the normal I am aware of it so here is a list starting as early as a week after ovulation.

  1. I cramped a little about a week after ovulation which I now chalk up to implantation.
  2. Sweating. I know, gross. but omg I wasn't temperature warm or anything but even with normal aluminum deodorant (I usually use the all natural kind that doesn't work quite as well for stopping the sweating as the aluminum one does) I was sweating like crazy. 
  3. The last few days I have been bloated like crazy. Next level feel gross. 
  4. Lower back pain, nothing crazy.
  5. The craving for chocolate and carbs has been out of control. 
  6. My last obvious symptom has been my sense of smell. My goodness. I can smell EVERYTHING. it is intense. 
  7. Worn out. just tired but have been struggling to go to sleep at night. light headed when standing and just out of breath. 

I know it is super frustrating since a lot of the symptoms can line up with the usual PMS symptoms but the smell, sweating and early cramping were signs for me. I tested positive 4 days before my period was actually due with the clear blue test. We used the ovulation tests this month for the first time and apparently that was a game changer for us. I was frustrated last month and my boss was like have you tried the ovulation tests?! I used the clear blue ones just incase anyone is wondering. Well I'm glad I listened to her. GAME. CHANGER.

Alright well there you have it. I am telling Adam tonight and I can't wait. He is going to be the most amazing father and I can't imagine doing this with anyone else. Now how to tell him.....

January 4th:

Halfway through week 6 and baby is the size of a pea. It is finally sinking in. Up until week 6 I felt relatively normal other than having the same symptoms as I had when I found out I was pregnant.

Everyone said more of the "fun" pregnancy symptoms would hit around week 6 and they were right.

I am exhausted, as in so tired I could sleep all day without any issue. I have off and on minor nausea and I go from zero to starving in .2 seconds flat. I have very little appetite so I legit try to eat anything that appeals to me at the time. Eating as many veggies and fruits/clean eating as possible. If I could only eat all the salty things and cheese that would be ideal.

My face is freaking out, I feel like I am back in high school again. I need all the new pants because I am so bloated nothing fits.

Don't get me wrong, I am so excited and can't wait for my first appointment next Friday but the first trimester is no joke.

January 22nd:

I just hit week 9 and my next appointment is this Friday. Everything went well at my first appointment. We got to see the first ultrasound and sure enough, there's a baby in there! So crazy.. I will have to say though its been a tough couple of months mentally and physically for me. Until you are in it you don't know how isolating the first trimester can be. It is not easy. Your entire life has been turned upside down, you no longer feel like yourself, your body is constantly changing and on top of all of that you are absolutely terrified of loosing the baby. It is not easy.

You always read peoples posts once they hit the 12-14 weeks where they are virtually in the clear and are so happy and grateful. What they fail to mention are the weeks leading up to their formal announcement when every day you just hope and pray everything is going alright, while silently dealing with feeling awful and just all of the changes happening. I am so grateful I was able to get pregnant but to be honest it is very hard to be excited because you just don't know what can happen.

My symptoms are pretty much the same, strong aversions to certain things that changes constantly which is fun. Sill have off and on nausea but nothing terrible by any means. Every day I am grateful I am able to function on a semi-normal schedule. I am exhausted all of the time and now my hormones are getting harder to keep in check. I find myself getting angry/mad much quicker than I normal would have. So this is where I am at. Sleeping all of the time, eating everything in site, and constantly worrying about the baby. Just trying to get through one day at a time.

January 30

Week 10 is here an I finally found my stride. You spend your entire life (for me it was really from college on) figuring out your body, what foods agrees with you, how much sleep you need to function, what makes you happy just a bunch of things that you figure out over years. Then you get pregnant and all of a sudden all of what you thought you knew about yourself gets thrown out the window. This adjustment is rough. It really is difficult to wrap your head around everything changing all at once. For me it all hit around 6 weeks. I started eating differently because things I would have loved previously just didn't appeal to me anymore. I was so bloated my clothes no longer fit, I felt pretty poorly in general for, well, months. Just not myself. Living in sweats, hungry/nauseous and tired all of the time and just bloated. SO bloated.

Here we are at week 10 and I am starting to find my stride again. I now need at least an hour nap a day, new clothes on the regular (I'll explain how I am doing this later) and to eat consistently throughout the day. Oh and a snack before bed. The bloated has subsided a bit which is lovely, my bump is starting to show but it really just looks like I ate a big meal haha I am headed to Florida in a couple of weeks and I really hope I am showing more then! We plan on telling the extended family and I know they will all be super excited.

February 12th

Just started my 12th week and starting to feel like a normal human again. Bought my first maternity pants today and talk about a game changer. So good. I also bought a belly band so I can still wear my normal pants for a bit longer. Will report back on how well that works out. I am very much looking forward to warmer weather so I can just throw on a comfy dress every day. I am headed to Florida tomorrow and we will be telling the rest of the family I am pregnant this weekend! Still a little freaked out and scared to tell people but as the weeks pass I am getting more comfortable with the pregnancy, my changing body, and the unknown. For someone like me who is such a control freak it has been very challenging for me to just let go and know that God has a plan for this baby and everything is in His hands. In terms of symptoms, things are finally calming down, not needing my 2hr a day nap anymore and feeling more normal. Still having some nausea in the evening, sneezing constantly which has been going on for a few weeks now and eating everything in site.


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