My Daily Schedule

(old picture, no these overalls definitely do not fit me right now)

For me to function like a human being that has it somewhat together I need a schedule. I thrive on order and organization. Thats me. I know a lot of people are just in survival mode right now and I totally get that. You do you! whatever you need to get through this crazy do that. If it's a solid schedule you follow on the daily keep reading. If you are just trying to survive this may not be the post for you. Take it with a grain of salt and use it as you like. But this is what is working for me right now. Since I am pregnant I can't leave the house at all. That means no grocery trips, no seeing anyone but Adam. I have been at it for over a month now and I was a mess until I pulled myself together and made a schedule to follow.

Also keep in mind, I am in school right now and not working. For the average adult, just change up the classwork to your or alter the schedule completely to fit your needs, it is really just an outline that works for me. 

I have a slightly different schedule for different days of the week to keep me from going crazy.


Wakeup: Before 8
Class: 8am-9am
Workout inside: 9am-10am
Breakfast/shower/get ready: 10am-11am
Chores/cleaning: 11am-12pm
Lunch: 12-12:30
Class: 12:30-1:30
Homework:  2pm-4pm
Workout outside/go for a walk: 4pm-5pm
Free time: 5pm-6pm
Dinner: 6pm


Wakeup: Before 9
Workout: 9am-10am
Breakfast/shower/get ready: 10am-11am
Class: 11am-12pm
Lunch: 12pm-12:30
Homework: 12:30-2:30pm
Workout outside/walk: 3pm-4pm
Free time: 4pm-6pm
Dinner: 6pm


Wakeup: Before 9
Workout: 9am-10am
Breakfast/shower: 10am-11am
Chores/clean: 11am-11:30am
Homework: 11:30-12:30pm
Lunch: 12:30pm-1:00pm
Free time: 1pm-2pm
Homework: 2pm-3pm
Outside time: 3pm-4pm
Free time: 4-6
Dinner: 6

Granted I am not great at sticking to these schedules hour by hour however I do my best to try to stick with it as much as possible. Having a schedule keep me from just sitting in front of the tv all day and not being productive. I personally need structure and this is what works for me. Sometimes I end up doing school work all afternoon, it just depends on how much work I have to do. My goal at the end of the day is make sure I get everything school related done during the week.

Weekends are a free for all. I treat them like weekends used to be. Do things I want to do, no homework unless I am really behind on work.

 I make a point to workout Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday. Saturdays are hit and miss though I will have to say.


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