Wedding Part 1

You don't get many firsts as an adult. I read this recently in a book and it really struck a cord. If you think about it, it's true. When you're a kid everything you do is new and exciting and a first. As adults you gradually stop having firsts. You get a few big firsts as an adult, marriage (or seconds for me no shame here, I call it my "under 30 life lesson") have your first child then you start having firsts with your child. I am talking more about big life events. I'm not necessarily talking about trying out that new coffee shop on the corner. 

Everyone says there are a few moments in your life or firsts that are pivotal. Moments that you don't ever want to forget. Our marriage ceremony was one of those for me, well..for us. 

Let me tell you. If you are getting married anytime soon seriously, I mean seriously consider doing a small immediate family ceremony. It was the most relaxing, zero stress day. How many people can say THAT about their wedding day?! 

We exchanged vows on our back porch Saturday March 30th with our immediate family in the most intimate of ceremonies. 

We kissed...

We toasted...and I broke the wine glass 2 minutes after this was taken. 

We truly had an incredible time. 

*In full disclosure we will be having a larger ceremony on September 1st (wedding part 2 as my mom is calling it) with our family and friends, white gown, walk down the aisle, bridesmaids, groomsmen, reception, DJ, dancing, the whole shebang. 


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