Celiac Disease/Gluten Free/Dairy Free Foods

10 years ago I joined the incredible group of people who have learned or are learning how to live with dietary restrictions. It has been 10 years of ups and downs, learning the hard way what I can and cannot eat. In 2009 I was diagnosed with celiac disease. A quick lesson in Celiac Disease, its is an auto immune disease that can be controlled with a total diet over haul removing gluten completely. Unfortunately celiac disease can lead to other auto immune diseases a well as other food intolerances. The past few months I have discovered I also have a mild lactose intolerance as well.

Back in 2009 it was difficult to eat gluten free. As the years have gone on it has become much more prevelant and people have become more educated and the gluten free market has grown tremendously. With the new found options however there is a lot of "weeding through" to find the not only good tasting things but the options that are also better for you.

There are a lot of misconceptions about a gluten free diet, one of those being that it is a good way to loose weight however if your just replacing your gluten filled products with gluten free ones you are most likely going to be getting more carbs in your diet then you were before.

Ok I'm done with my rambling. I know it was extremely difficult for me to change over to a gluten free diet and it its even harder adding dairy free to the equation. May being celiac disease awareness month, I decided to make this blog post to try and help anyone that is recently diagnosed with dietary restrictions or just someone trying to change up their diet for whatever reason.

 I am not a dietitian nor do I have a medical background but I have excellent taste buds and have tried so many of the options on the market that I feel qualified to, at least recommend to you the best tasting gf and gf/df options out there.

This is a list of gf and/or df substitutes that I use fairly often. I have noted what items are not df. 

(Also keep in mind I live in Virginia, you may have other options where you live that are not available here)

**YQ is not dairy free however it is 99% lactose free and also low in sugar comparatively**

**all options HAVE dairy except the Annies Vegan Mac which Is a great alternative, you gotta love butternut squash though**

**If you are looking for a good protein powder I highly recommend Ripple brand**

**all of the simply balanced gf noodles are great. The mission tortillas are the best I have found however are still not perfect, they tend to get gummy/sticky if you try to use them for enchiladas**

**both options are NOT dairy free. I have yet to find a decent gf/df pizza option, comment if you have any suggestions!**

-Check back for my cheese recommendations, I am still working on those.

There are so many options out there so keep trying until you find the ones you like. It took years for me to find the perfect substitutes for myself. My hope is this post will at least give someone a good start.


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