Vegan Curry

This vegan curry is one of my easy go to dinners when Adam is out of town. It has coconut in it and Adam very much dislikes coconut. There are two types of people in the world. One type loves coconut and the other hates it. I am the first of those.

This recipe takes all of 30 minutes and it can be made with chicken if you so desire. I went with garbanzo beans.

Do It

cook your veggies, whatever you choose to go with. I went with green peppers, onions and broccoli. Basically whatever you have on hand. I love the broccoli because it soaks up all of that delicious spiced coconut milk and its nice and juicy.

Add your spices to the mix along with your protein source, (if using meat cook the meat ahead of time and then add it to your veggie mix) throw a can of unsweetened coconut milk and a can of garbanzo beans to your veggies.

1 can garbanzo beans
1 can unsweetened coconut milk
1/2 green pepper chopped up
1/2 onions chopped up

1/2 tsp cumin
1 Tbl curry powder (this isn't spicy at all)
1/4 tsp ginger powder
1/8 tsp cayenne (add more as you like)
1/8 tsp garlic minced
1/4 tsp salt (added more later on to taste)

cooked jasmine rice


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